MailChimp Tag / Form Name
Notes to internal Federation professionals
First Name
Last Name
Confirmation Email
Confirm email address
Mobile Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
At which school is/are your child(ren) enrolled?
In which grade(s) is/are your child(ren) entering for the 2024-25 school year?
When did your family join the school?
Why did you choose this school for your child(ren)?
Why have you stayed at this school?
Please share one meaningful school-related experience for your child(ren) or family.
Why are you interested in this fellowship?
Please check to confirm acknowledgment that as a parent advocate you will:
Complete the training program
Maintain monthly check-ins with Staci Zemlak-Kenter and AdPro (via email), to update on happenings
Collect 8 points from any of the categories below
GROUP A (2 points each):
Host a parlor meeting
“Table” at a Federation/JCC/community event or similar
Write a blog post or article to be shared in Jewish publication (New Jersey Jewish News, Jewish Standard, Jewish Link, Times of Israel, etc.) to be turned into Staci who will coordinate publication
Speak about your school experience at your synagogue
GROUP B (1 point each):
Post in a local Facebook group about the school you represent mentioning the virtues of your school and welcoming interested families to reach out to you
Share a minimum of 2 items on social media (reposting items from the school) (2 points maximum for 4 shared items)
Help school admissions professional recruit for a school-run parlor meeting
Have coffee (or similar casual meeting) with 1 potential family (1 point per family meeting)
Terms and agreements
I understand that if I am chosen for the Parent Advocate Fellowship that I will be expected to participate in training, complete a number of tasks related to recruitment, and provide monthly reports to the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest.
I understand that the stipend funds will be given directly to the school, half of the total in Winter (2024-25) with training and at least one recruitment task complete, and the second half at the completion of the program in Spring 2025.
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Date of Birth
Total Ticket Cost (hidden)
Gift Amount
Ticket Amount to charge
Gift Amount to charge
Subtotal Amount to charge
Gift Amount to send check
Total Amount to send check
Total Amount for bill
Appeal code
Cc fee
TOTAL = Subtotal Amount to charge + fee
Should be Empty: